Message From the Department Head

Physics is a basic discipline that has an interdisciplinary field of application. It is extremely important as it leads the fields of science that are expanding engineering areas today such as nanotechnology, superconductivity, photonics, biotechnology. The İKÜ Department of Physics was established with the approval of the Council of Higher Education on 11.05.2004, produced its first graduates in the 2008-2009 Academic Year and obtained the authority to gives master’s degrees from Council of Higher Education. Our Department was accredited by FEDEK in 2012. Due to the effect on all Basic Sciences Departments in Turkey, the undergraduate program has not admitted any students for the last four years. However, the master’s degree program is still open to graduate students. In our Department, scientific studies are carried out in the fields of astrophysics, atomic and molecular physics, solid state physics and archaeometry (applications of physics in art and archeology).

Best regards,

Prof. Dr. Dursun KOÇER
Head - Department of Physics 


Last Update Date: Wed, 11/15/2023 - 11:09